Stat |
Rank |
Date |
Comment |
43/85 |
08-29-14 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
44/85 |
10-22-14 |
45/86 |
12-16-14 |
46/87 |
01-21-15 |
47/88 |
01-23-15 |
48/89 |
02-06-15 |
49/66 |
03-22-10 |
:) |
49/90 |
03-31-15 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
49/66 |
03-26-10 |
:) |
49/90 |
07-06-15 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
49/67 |
04-04-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
49/90 |
02-03-15 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
49/66 |
03-19-10 |
:) |
50/68 |
11-25-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
50/64 |
02-14-10 |
50/67 |
11-06-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
50/64 |
02-19-10 |
50/67 |
11-08-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
50/64 |
11-07-09 |
50/69 |
09-03-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
50/65 |
02-21-10 |
50/67 |
03-27-10 |
:) |
2:08 |
50/64 |
11-11-09 |
50/68 |
12-16-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
50/91 |
07-23-15 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
50/68 |
09-03-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
50/65 |
02-25-10 |
50/68 |
12-20-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
50/91 |
07-24-15 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
50/68 |
10-07-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
50/91 |
09-21-15 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
50/68 |
07-22-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
50/64 |
12-12-09 |
50/67 |
10-15-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
50/64 |
02-09-10 |
50/67 |
10-27-10 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
50/67 |
03-22-10 |
:) |
51/69 |
04-14-11 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
51/92 |
04-15-16 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
2:08 |
51/65 |
11-13-09 |
51/69 |
01-03-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:08 |
51/66 |
03-01-10 |
51/69 |
02-28-11 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
51/92 |
10-21-15 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
2:08 |
51/65 |
02-14-10 |
52/93 |
08-08-16 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
52/70 |
07-24-11 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
52/93 |
09-06-16 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
52/70 |
07-26-11 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
52/93 |
09-15-16 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
52/70 |
08-19-11 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
52/93 |
09-19-16 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
52/70 |
01-07-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
52/92 |
06-14-16 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
52/70 |
01-10-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
52/93 |
04-04-17 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
53/72 |
02-03-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
53/94 |
07-21-17 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
53/72 |
03-07-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
53/94 |
07-22-17 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
53/71 |
01-14-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
53/97 |
02-05-20 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
54/98 |
02-19-24 |
54/72 |
03-13-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
55/99 |
08-06-24 |
This trick was not that hard as I think it was. |
55/73 |
05-29-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
56/74 |
06-30-12 |
57/75 |
07-17-12 |
2:21 |
57/64 |
10-13-09 |
57/77 |
09-22-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
58/78 |
11-03-12 |
2:21 |
58/64 |
10-27-09 |
58/78 |
12-08-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:21 |
58/64 |
10-31-09 |
58/78 |
12-08-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:21 |
58/65 |
09-11-09 |
58/78 |
01-16-13 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:21 |
58/65 |
09-11-09 |
58/78 |
09-12-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:21 |
58/64 |
10-26-09 |
58/78 |
10-03-12 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
2:21 |
58/64 |
10-26-09 |
59/65 |
08-18-09 |
59/79 |
06-29-13 |
great! I going for subing 1:50 |
60/80 |
07-13-13 |
61/81 |
09-04-13 |
62/82 |
11-30-13 |
63/83 |
01-21-14 |
64/85 |
07-22-14 |